Emmi Eisenstein, née Mayer, born 11.6.1879 in Hagen

Gustav Eisenstein, born 4.6.1875 in Witten-Annen

Harkortstr. 73, Hombruch

Emmi Eisenstein and her husband Gustav lived in Dortmund-Hombruch. Gustav had already been living in Hombruch, at Harkortstrasse 91, since 1932. Emmi also moved to Hombruch in 1938 at the latest, where they lived in his flat at Harkortstrasse 73, and where he had kept a shop selling sports equipment since 1934.
After the “Pogrom night” of November 1938, Gustav was arrested and held in custody at Steinwache police station from 12 to 17 November.
In 1941, the couple were forced to leave their flat and move to Deutsch-Luxemburger-Strasse 30. From 1942, they were required to live in the assembly camp at Parsevalstrasse 6. The last dwelling which they chose of their own free will was therefore Harkortstrasse 73.

They were both deported to Riga on 27 January 1942. Thereafter, they disappeared without trace and were officially declared dead with effect as of 8 May 1945.

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